Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pele@tp, 28th November 2006

Quote of the day: Shake the Living Legend, The Great Pele's hand

ok. yep. i did take an up close picture of him and shook his hand, but sadly i din have an autograph as i did not bring any brazil jersey, apparel along (what's the fucking point of signing on paper? it's not as memorable as signing it on a jersey)

This is the up close picture i took of pele before sretching out my hand to shake his hand.

yes. being so close to the living legend is just so like.. OMFG.. now i know how ppl feel when they see thier dunno wad pop idols ;x.

A day i will remember for the rest of my life.

Oh ya and here's a pic of the rolls royce that he used.

Bye bitches.. for now..

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